
Navigation:  Master data >


Version 1.0.0

To edit existing contacts you have to navigate to Asset Management -> Hardware Assets and select contacts in the ribbonbar. The ribbonbar shows all available commands for contacts. In the left area you will see all existing contacts. Here is a difference between manuell created (user_symbol_green) and imported contacts (user_symbol_blue).



Master data - contacts


When you open that dialog for the first there is only the contact which was known during the installation. You can not delete this user because this is the main user of the ACMP console.




Refreshs the contact window.,


Add contact

You can create a new contact.


Edit contact

You can edit an existing contact.


Delete contact

Deletes the selected contact.


Duplicate contact

Creates a copy of the selected contact.


Call contact

You can call the selected contact. It is necessary to have an installaed ACMP Notifier. When you slected a contact with diffenrent phone numbers there will be a dialog to choose the right number.



Select a CSV-file toimport.


Set Self Service password

Set up the password to use the Self Service for the selected contact.


Add contact

With this wizard you can create contacts with essential informations. On the first page you are able to define the contact details. The label for Custom ID can be specify in the settings for Contacts.



Kontakt hinzufügen


In the lower area of the window you can set up an link to master data. by clicking on each of these fields you can select an existing record or create a new..


On the second page you can leave a optional comment. When you click on Next all the userdefined fields are shows. You can set values. On the forth page it is possible to create links to an existing client. After creating that link you are able to execute client command directlly. Select the links client and click on the item(ClientCommandPhase_Execute). Now you can execute client commands.


Import contacts

To import contacts you need a CSV-file with all essential informations for the contact. Do not forget to define a unique key. With the mapping you assign each column to a field in ACMP.

Last change on 20.02.2017