If you have now saved the ticket, the ticket will still be displayed. However, now in the so-called non-edit mode. This means that you cannot change the information on the tickets unless you click on the Switch to edit mode icon.
If one or more images are embedded in the description, they are either displayed or hidden directly in the description. This depends on the setting in Embedded Images . If the images are to be hidden, a message will be displayed at the upper end of the ticket; this message provides a button with which you can reload the images for this ticket. In addition, all images are appended as attachments.
In the lower section, you have the option to write comments for this ticket and select attachments, which you can send by email to one of your colleagues. To send the comment to several colleagues or external contacts, the email addresses must be separated by a semicolon: info@aagon.de;sales@aagon.de;noreply@aagon.de. With the drop-down addition of the Add comment buttn, you can activate the option ...and attach all comments. This allows you to attach all previous comments to the email. However, before doing that, you can edit all comments via dialog box to ensure, e.g. that the recipients will not be able to access certain information. This will not permanently change the actual comments, but in the comment history of the current new comment it will be later shown that comments have been modified for sending. You view these changes with a double-click.
The registered comments may of course be edited or deleted and can be viewed in the Comments tab. Here you can select a comment and click on the inserted links inserted to edit or delete. By clicking on Edit, a simple text input window opens. Here you can change the comment, and then click on OK.
The Change log tab contains a list of all activities which are affected by this ticket. For this purpose, the old values that have been modified are juxtaposed to the new values.
In the non-edit mode, you can view the ticket ID, as well as the ticket creator and the date of creation or most recent change in Ticket Details. In Ticket Details you can also assign the ticket to a colleague even in non-edit mode.
For information on how to edit a ticket, see section Edit Ticket. Furthermore, you will find next to the reminder (see Reminder) two other options, which will be explained in the sections Create KB Items and Merge Tickets .
Last change on 10.03.2014