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Version 1.0.0

Helpdesk - TicketManagement

ACMP Helpdesk is another Aagon solution. It serves to accept, store and process support requests. These request, hereinafter referred to as "tickets",  can be recorded by different persons and can be assigned by them to each other. Furthermore, attachments can be added to the tickets, and they can even be linked with the corresponding client - provided the ticket is captured in the ACMP. Different categories, priorities and statuses can be defined. Depending on the configuration, the system can automatically send an e-mail to several people. The ticket can be adapted and edited to matching actions.


Furthermore, the ACMP Helpdesk Center offers the possibility to store tickets with their solutions or frequently asked questions in a knowledge base. In this way it may be possible to quickly find an appropriate solution for various problems.

Helpdesk - KnowledgeBase

Helpdesk - EMailMonitor

Helpdesk - Konfiguration

Helpdesk - WebInterfaceKonfiguration


By default, 15 EVAL licenses are included for each solution. In the event that it is not possible to enter subsequently requested licenses in time, Aagon grants a tolerance of 10%. With the integration of further licenses, these EVAL licenses become invalid and may not be used any longer.


The number of licenses used is calculated according to the number of registered contacts (see Manage Contacts) or according to the number of clients linked with tickets (see Ticket Data). In each case, the higher number (contacts or linked clients) is considered to be the number of used licenses. For example, with 15 licenses, the first 15 clients can be linked. The first 15 clients are the clients which have been registered or scanned first in the database.


The procedure for integrating licenses is explained in Licences.

Last change on 10.03.2014