The update process is divided into three steps:
1. | Download updates |
First, the updates are downloaded from the Aagon webserver with the ACMP Console and stored on the ACMP server. For this, the Console requires Internet access.
2. | Share updates |
The downloaded updates must now be shared. In this way, the updates are distributed to each client in the network, or the clients download the updates from the distributed file repositories (see Distributed file repositories).
3. | Install updates |
If the updates have a defined degree of distribution on the clients, installation via the console can start. In this case, installation first starts on the ACMP server. Then the installation of the updates will be continued on the clients as soon as they connect to the server (see Agent planner).
The update is assigned a status depending on the steps of the update process which this update has already undergone:
• | Downloaded |
The update was downloaded from the Aagon web server and stored on the ACMP server.
• | Released |
The update has been released and is being distributed to the ACMP clients.
• | Installed |
The update was installed on the ACMP server. The installation on the ACMP client starts as soon as the client has all the update files and logs into the ACMP server.
An update runs through the specified steps or states while in the sequence Download, Released and Installed.
Last change on 10.03.2014