To create a license coefficient, you have the following options:
Lizenzkoeffizient angeben
In the upper section there is an Input/Display field. Here you can enter the coefficient calculations manually. In addition, you can carry out the calculations with the following functions; it is possible to use a basic mathematical function. Supplement the mathematical operators with Max, Min, Round Up, Round Off and an If-Command. In addition, integrate the client values into your coefficient:
CPU_Core_Count |
Physical_Host_CPU_Core_Count |
CPU_Count |
Physical_Host_CPU_Count |
CPU_Frequenzy |
Physical_Host_CPU_Frequenzy |
CPU_LogicalProcessor_Count |
Physical_Host_CPU_LogicalProcessor_Count |
CPU_Name |
Physical_Host_CPU_Name |
CPU_Vendor |
Physical_Host_CPU_Vendor |
Total_Physical_Memory |
Physical_Host_Total_Physical_Memory |
So that you can already verify whether the results are correct before saving the licence coefficients, we recommend that you select a client in the right-hand section. Hereby accessing a Query. The variables will be automatically filled based on inventory data and will be appropriately used. If you have considered all necessary elements in the calculations click Test. The results of the coefficients will now be displayed. In the message window, the possible failures of the calculation will be displayed.
If the results are as expected and there are no errors appear in the calculation, you can end the creation of the coefficients with Finished.
Last change on 22.02.2018