Math operations

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Math operations

Version 1.0.0

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With this command you can add two values ​​together by entering the two values directly in the Details tab, or by entering the existing variables in the %Variablenname% format. Direct input and input via variable can be combined.


Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.



With this command you can subtract two values from each other. by entering the two values directly in the Details tab, or by entering the existing variables in the %Variablenname% format. Direct input and input via variable can be combined. Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.



With this command you can multiply two values by entering the two values directly in the Details tab, or by entering the existing variables in the %Variablenname% format. Direct input and input via variable can be combined. Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.



With this command you can divide two values through each other by entering the two values directly in the Details tab, or by entering the existing variables in the %Variablenname% format. Direct input and input via variable can be combined. Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.



With this command you can round a value by first entering the value directly or by variable (%Variablenname%). Then, specify to how many decimal places the amount should be rounded. You can choose between the following rounding methods:



The number is rounded in the normal way (see Mathematical). If a 5 exactly follows on the last rounded digit, the number is rounded up or down to the nearest even number.



The number is rounded up from 5 and rounded down to 5


Round up

The number is always rounded up.


Round down

The number is always rounded down.


Positive round down and negative round up

If the number is positive, it is rounded down. If the number is negative, the number is rounded up.


Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.


hmtoggle_arrow1Absolute value

With this command you can determine the absolute value of an entry by first entering the value directly or by variable (%Variablenname%). Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable. You can create additional variables with the right-hand button.


hmtoggle_arrow1DateTime to Float

With this command you can change the value of a date/time object to a float value. This allows you, e.g., in combination with the Float to DateTime command, to archive date/time values more easily in a database (see Store value on server).


Enter the appropriate value directly or via a variable in Date/Time. Then specify the format of the previous value in Date format. You can use all abbreviations shown in the text field below. For example, for entering 12/01/2008 at 09:46:30 -  h:m:s

dddd, dd. mmmm yy

= 12.01.08

= 12.01.2008 9:45:30

= Thursday, 12 January 08


Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable.


hmtoggle_arrow1Float to DateTime

This command converts a float value to a date/time object. This allows you, e.g., in combination with the DateTime to Float command, to get date/time values more easily from a database (see Get client values).


Enter the appropriate value directly or via a variable in Floating point number. Then specify the format of the previous value in Date format. You can use all abbreviations shown in the text field below. For example, for entering 12/01/2008 at 09:46:30 -     h:m:s

dddd, dd. mmmm yy

= 12.01.08

= 12.01.2008 9:45:30

= Thursday, 12 January 08


Also enter a variable name. After calculation, the result is stored in the specified variable.

Last change on 10.03.2014