Client Command Editor

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Client Command Editor

Version 1.0.0

The Client Command editor is the central unit for creating and editing Client Commands. The editor is divided into four different sections.



Client Command Editor



The Commandlist contains all the available functions for creating a Client Command. These are generally divided into categories, but can be also view as a list. To use a function, you simply drag it into the script.



In this part of the editor, you can create a new command or edit an existing one. To this end, you simply drag features from the Commandlist in this field. You can then place the function in the proper position within the command. There is also the option of debugging the command in order to find errors.


In the script section, there are two vertical tabs, with the upper tab containing the command for the console and the bottom tab the command for the client. If it is not required, a tab can be left blank (usually the Console Script tab).



This section gives a brief and clear overview of the properties of a function which was inserted in the script from the Commandlist. The displayed properties vary according to the selected function.



Log consists of two subsections. All actions performed during the debugging are recorded and clearly displayed in the events log. In this way, errors can be relatively easily detected in Command. In the variable monitoring, you can have the variables used by the command listed, including the current value, as well as the last two values.

Last change on 10.03.2014