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Version 1.0.0

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hmtoggle_arrow1Add SICS connection

With this command you can transfer the value of a variable onto the executing client. Select a variable via the drop-down list. Information on how to create variables can be found in the section Variables.  Thereafter, the entered variable can be used from the client script.




This command is only available to the Scripting Console.



This command has a variance in the special settings for the client and the Scripting Console. Principally, this command serves to replace client values in the database. In the client script variant, new client values can be entered while in the Scripting Console variant the values of a very specific client can be changed or some can be added. - StoreValuesOnServer


In the Scripting Console variant, under select target client, you have to option to enter the ID of the client whose values should be changed. Above the button on the right next to the entry field all the clients will be listed.

Under the options, you can choose whether a single value or multiple values should be changed / added in the database. With a tick in the checkbox „old values “, the previous values of the corresponding category will be deleted.

Under the field, select the field to be changed / added. For a single to value to be changed, the new value can be simply entered in the entry field. For a multiple selection a field can be chosen which is added to the list by clicking on the plus button. Here, the value which will later replace or complement (delete old values) the old value can be entered next to the field.


hmtoggle_arrow1Create Target

With this command you can set the value of a client in the database which indicates whether specific software is installed. To do this, first enter the description of the software in the entry filed. Make sure that the description is correct.

In the second field you can determine per drop-down list whether the entered software is considered to be installed (True) or not installed (False).



With this command, clients which were determined through a previously performed command will be run one after the other.  The command functions like a loop and will run until all the client has been scanned once.

For each client the client ID, computer name, IP address as well as the last registered user is read and saved in a variable which must be entered in the special settings of this command.

In the commands that are logically subordinate to this command to edit the data, this data can be accessed via the entered variable name. More information on how to use variables can be found in the capital Variables.  You may access the data as follows:






- The ClientID

- The Computer Name

- The IP-Address

- The last registered User




This command is only available to the Scripting Console.

Last change on 02.03.2018