Running a Query

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Running a Query

Version 1.0.0

In order to run a query, select a query from within a category. With a double click the query is executed, and the results are displayed on the right side of the window. The result can also be detached from the console and displayed in a separate window. To show all columns you are can open the context menu of the results. Click Apply best fit and the available space will be divided up the shown columns.


Query result

Query management: Query result


In principle, the grid is no more than a table with the data which have been collected by the query. If more than one value of the same type can be linked to a client, sub-queries are integrated as tables as well. You can open them by clicking on the +-icon in front of the indicated computer.


For more complex queries, there are other ways to sort the results. For more details, see section Results of a Query.


You also have the option to select several computers with a checkmark from the query result to run various client actions. If you have installed ACMP Security Detective and ACMP Desktop Automation, you can also use the functions from the Security Detective and Client Commands. If you use an unlicensed version, the features are available on a maximum of 15 clients.

Last change on 13.04.2017