It varies between three different metric types in ACMP.
Installation based
The metric type Installation based determines the license consumption based on the sum of found installations of a software or operating system. It can be determined whether the simultaneous use of an operator can be covered with just one license or further licenses are to be put into play.
Tip: |
Please note for the installation based metric type, that all linked Hosts and VMs will also be counted. |
User CAL
By metric type the User CAL a license must be procured for every user that accessed a software (mostly a server software). As a source for the determination of the consumption, an LDAP Scan (User) as well as an ACMP Scan (Contact) can be used.
As with the installation based metric type, it can be set whether the concurrent use by an operator is covered with one license.
Device CAL
By metric type Device CAL, a license must be procured for every device which accesses a software (mostly a server software). As a source for determining the consumption an LDAP Scan (Computer), as well as an ACMP Scan (Clients) or even an ACMP Scan (Assets) can be used.
For the metric type Device CAL it can be set whether the concurrent use of a device is covered by one license or further licenses need to be used.
Tip: |
Please note that for the metric type Device CAL all linked Hosts and VMs will be counted. Therefore, all devices that have the potential to access a software must have a valid license. |
Last change on 22.02.2018