The menu item Copy driver scanner opens the Bin\ACMPDriverScanner directory in the ACMP Console installation directory. This will contain 4 files.
Run ACMPDriverScanner.exe to read all of the drivers in the current system.
ACMP Driver Scanner
Enable the Advanced scan,if the scan results do not show a device you recognize. A missing device entry is usually caused by missing driver properties and can be resolved by the expanded scan.
Click on Scan, to start the scan for drivers. On the following page, your scan results will be listed. You can affect the extent of results by displaying hidden device, Windows, and Microsoft drivers. These are hidden by default.
Highlight the drivers to be included in the driver package, and click Next,. On the next page, specify the location of the driver package. You can use the driver package created to do an Import .
Last change on 18.04.2016