Configuration > Real-Time Protection > Report

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Configuration > Real-Time Protection > Report

Version 1.0.0


Real-Time Protection includes an extensive logging function to provide the user or administrator with exact notes about the type and manner of a detection.


This group allows for the content of the report file to be determined.


If this option is enabled, then Real-Time Protection does not create a log.

It is recommended that you should turn off the logging function only in exceptional cases, such as if you are executing trials with multiple viruses or unwanted programs.


If this option is enabled, Real-Time Protection records important information (concerning detections, alerts and errors) in the report file, with less important information ignored for improved clarity. This option is enabled as the default setting.


If this option is enabled, Real-Time Protection logs less important information to the report file as well.


If this option is enabled, Real-Time Protection logs all available information in the report file, including file size, file type, date, etc.

Limit report file

Limit size to n MB

If this option is enabled, the report file can be limited to a certain size. Permitted values are between 1 and 100 MB. Around 50 kilobytes of extra space are allowed when limiting the size of the report file to minimize the use of system resources. If the size of the log file exceeds the indicated size by more than 50 kilobytes, then old entries are deleted until the indicated size minus 50 kilobytes is reached.

Backup report file before shortening

If this option is enabled, the report file is backed up before shortening.

Write configuration in report file

If this option is enabled, the configuration of the on-access scan is recorded in the report file.


If you have not specified any report file restriction, a new report file is automatically created when the report file reaches 100 MB. A backup of the old report file is created. Up to three backups of old report files are saved. The oldest backups are deleted first.

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Last change on 14.03.2018