When creating a new ACMP user, you can impose further restrictions in a third step, which directly relate to the current ACMP users. This generally relates to all rights of the ACMP. However, it is also possible to assign special rights for the Helpdesk Center as well as for the web interface.
Op particular importance in this regard is the web interface item. Here, you can modify the visibility of data in the Helpdesk web interface. For example, it is possible to ensure that the created ACMP user cannot view tickets in the web interface or cannot change a ticket online. Thus, if a problem arises, staff members are able to access tickets or the Knowledge Base any time and from any place without disclosing certain information.
These rights can only be applied to ACMP users if the Helpdesk role has been assigned to their user accounts. However, this can also be done at a later stage and is performed in the fourth step of the wizard.
The option Visible in the web interface
The Comment is visible in web interface option is available when writing comments in tickets and knowledge base articles, as well as when creating Knowledge Base articles. With this option, you can decide if the comment or article created by you is visible on the web interface. In this case the comment or article is only visible for ACMP users and self service users with the corresponidng rights (see previous page).
Last change on 10.03.2014