In the menu bar of the Client Command editor, you will find some basic settings for the editor itself, as well as for the currently loaded Client Command. Project, View and Windows are available as entries in the menu bar.
In the Project menu item you generally have the options to save the currently loaded Client Command and to close the editor. In addition, you can edit the Properties of the Client Command. You can also edit the ACMP variables. For further information, see section Variables.
In the View menu, you can switch various sections of the editors on and off. Likewise, you can specify the columns that are to be shown in the script area.
In addition, you can switch a compatibility mode on. In this way, you can specifically hide Client Commands that are not compatible with a particular version of Windows.
In the Window menu you can adapt the arrangement of the various sections. Furthermore, you can switch between several open commands.
Last change on 10.03.2014