Installation of the web interface

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Installation of the web interface

Version 1.0.0

The installation file for the web interfaces is located in the WebSetups folder on the ACMP DVD. Run the WebSetups.msi file to install both web interfaces on an IIS. Follow the installation instructions to complete the installation. If you want to upgrade existing web interfaces that are older than version 3.8.10 to the new version, you have to uninstall it first. This step is omitted in later upgrade procedures. Also, note that the installation path has changed with version 3.8.10. The web interface will now be installed in the directory '%programfiles%\Aagon\ACMP Web Interfaces'.


Configuration of the web.config

After a web interface has been installed, the file must be web.config may still be adjusted. This file is located by default in the Helpdesk folder or the Self service folder in path C:\Inetpub\wwwroot.


Open the file with the editor and look for the string <add key=“ServerIP“ value=““>. If the ACMP server is running on a system other than the web interface, change the value to the IP address of the ACMP server.

In the string <add key=“ServerPort“ value=“2106“> you can change the port value 2106 to the value you have entered during the installation of ACMP, if it is differs from the default value (2106).


Configuration via the Helpdesk Tab

With the Helpdesk and the web interface, there is a new Helpdesk tab, which can be reached via the ACMP console in Platform -> Settings. Here you enter the IP address of the machine on which the web interfaces are installed. If the web interfaces are installed on the same machine as the ACMP server, the address will be included already. This entry serves to allow requests of the web interface to the ACMP database from another server in the first place.


Activation of the web interface

To ensure that the web interface can be used, it must be activated through the ACMP Console. This occurs, as already described in 7.1 General , by ticking the Helpdesk web interface option as activated.


This option is located in the ACMP Console at Helpdesk -> Web Interface Configuration.

Last change on 10.03.2014