There are two options to create a ticket from a template.
1. The first option is to create a ticket from a template via the Template Management. To do this, open the Template Management with the corresponding icon in the quick launch bar in Ticket Management. Then select a template and click on the Create ticket from template icon.
2. The second option is to create a ticket from a template via Ticket Management. Click on the drop-down button next to the New Ttcket icon in the quick launch bar. This opens a list of all available templates. To have templates appear in the list, you either have to open Template Management or update the View of the Ticket Management after creating the template.
Create a ticket from template
Click the appropriate template to create a ticket. If you have recently created a new template, this template may not yet be included in the list. You can do this with the Update templates button.
Once a template is selected, a new ticket dialog opens in which you can enter the remaining data. In a Hot Topic a ticket dialog opens as well, but the ticket is stored directly in the database; this means that no more changes are possible.
Last change on 10.03.2014