CTI Functions

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CTI Functions

Version 1.0.0


"No active call": Indicates that the phone is idle.
"Active Call": You are currently talking to someone. If the telephone number is assigned to a contact, the contact name appears on the numeric keypad (3).
"Incoming Call"
"Dial ..."

Fig. 7 Phone window


Quick access to contacts:

By clicking on the Contact icon, you can view a list of Helpdesk contacts. Double-click on a contact to open the appropriate contact details. If at least one phone number has been entered, you can call the contact on the assigned phone number by means of the call icon behind the phone number.


Phone number field:

Displays the phone number of the caller. Note that when you enter a phone number it is automatically normalized. In other words, all non-numeric characters will be removed automatically, and the +-character will be replaced by two zeros, for the country code. This happens when pasting from the clipboard, as well as when making the call directly from the contact details. This means that phone numbers can be entered in any supported format in the contact management of the ACMP Helpdesk.

The following number formats are supported:

"0049-2921 7892/00"


Special characters are automatically omitted when dialing or during call identification.

The following number formats are not allowed:

"0049-2921 7892/00 or 7892/01"
"+49 (0) 2921/7892-00"


It is not permitted to store 2 phone numbers or extensions in a telephone field. In addition, it is not permitted to specify a zero after the country code (in this case, after the +49)


Dial keys:

You can enter the phone number of the desired person with the number pad. Alternatively, you can enter the desired phone number using the number keys on your keyboard or add a number from the clipboard.


Call options:

Depending on the current status, you have different options:

No active call:

Incoming call:
oAccept and open contact details

Active call:

To place a call, first click on the button "Hold". Your interlocutor will then hear the "Hold the line, please" tone of the telephone system. To proceed with the call, click on the button "Get Back".


If the caller is to be forwarded, first click on the button "Forward". In the following dialog you can enter the phone number to which calls should be forwarded, or select the phone number of a contact from the contact list and confirm with "Ok". It will now attempt to establish a connection between the two interlocutors, while the caller will hear the "Hold the line, please" tone of the telephone system. If this succeeds, you can hang up and the interlocutors will be connected. If the connection fails, e.g. because the new interlocutor does not accept the call, you can resume the conversation with the caller by pressing the "Get back" button.

Last change on 10.03.2014