ACMP Setup

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ACMP Setup

Version 1.0.0

The setup of ACMP is done in several steps. First, the ACMP Server service is installed. This requires an installed MS SQL Server. If not yet installed, the required Native Client can be installed using the Setup Wizard. A first Console is then also installed on the server. You later have the option to install the ACMP Console on any other computers. At last, finally, the installation of the clients (see Install Clients).



In the section Installation of the ACMP Server you will obtain all the information necessary for the successful installation of the server. Should you encounter a problems with the installation, you can also notify the support service.


After you have successfully installed the ACMP server, you can begin to installthe ACMP console. For information, see the section Installing the ACMP Console.

Last change on 20.02.2017