When using the form editor and some of its features, you have to consider various things. These are mentioned in the appropriate places in the previous chapter, but will be summarized here again.
The Generate code function mainly serves to create automatically a code base for the further develeopment of the form. The functions for starting and stopping the form, as well as for the OK and Cancel button, are created in this way. The function parts for reading or writing of any given variable may also be created and integrated into the Start or Stop function. At the same time, the previously existing source code is overwritten entirely. For this reason, this feature should only be used if no own source code has been created as yet Thy may apply, e.g. if you first design the graphic interface in full before starting with the programming.
To ensure that properties of form elements are read automatically during start or close of the variable, or written into a variable, you have to checkmark the corresponding option in the 'Generate code' dialog and enter a variable. This variable must already exist in the Client Command.
The value of the variable has the following syntax: Element.Property=value,[...]. If the variable is read at the start of the form to set specific properties, you have to ensure that the content of the variable is correct before calling the form in the Client Command, e.g. with the help of the commands in the string category (see chapter Category strings).
If the properties of the form elements are saved upon exiting the form, exactly the same syntax is used; this makes further processing of the data relatively easy.
Note: |
When using variables, note that the form editor is case-sensitive. |
For example, to set the text of an edit element with the name of Edit1 to 'Aagon' and to enable a radio button with the name Radio1, you have to set the variable content to the following value:
In the Object Inspector you can view the name of an element and its properties.
If a form element uses a variable to which a value has been dynamically assigned (i.e., another value than the default value) in the Client Command, this value is not available in a form that can be displayed with the Execute function. This is due to the fact that the Execute function merely executes the form and not the entire Client Command; as a result the variable cannot be set to the required value.
Last change on 10.03.2014